
Matar a sede com água da fonte (at the fountain)

Antes das casas das cidades e aldeias terem água canalizada os habitantes das mesmas abasteciam-se de fontes ou de poços. Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) dedicou parte da sua obra a pintar este tipo de actividade tipicamente feminina, na masculina o transporte da água fazia-se com animais.

Before the houses of the cities and villages have piped water dwellers they stocked up springs or wells. Léon l'Hermitte-August (1844-1925) devoted part of his work to paint this type of activity typically female in the male water transport was with animals

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'at the fountain'-oil on canvas-1895 Private collection

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'at the fountain'-oil on canvas-ca 1914

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'a water drawer'-oil on canvas

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'woman filling her basket at the well'-oil on canvas

Léon-August l'Hermitte (1844-1925) 'at the well'-oil on canvas

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